Thursday, December 31, 2009
Last Day of the Decade
Tomorrow, we enter the teens and a new decade of scandal, celebrations, breakthroughs, enlightenment, and only God knows what else.
We came really far as a people this past 10 years. We have our very first black president. We lost the greatest musical talent of our generation. We voted in an incompetent president(twice). I graduated(twice). My generation entered the "real world". A pop princess lost her mind...and got it back. America went to war. We entered a recession. I started a blog.
It's been a whirlwind of memories. How will we define this next decade? I don't know, but I'm going fear. I've got my beat up laptop, my purple pumps, my goals and aspirations. Grab your gear. Let's go.
Why Black Women Don't Get Married
Dang. It is not looking good for us! Only 42% of black women get married....that's double the amount of white women! It seems black men have so many decent on-point black women to choose from, the just keep a few around. Who's really trying to get married then? But being a "back pocket chick" is just not gonna work for me.
Black women have to start looking elsewhere for suitors. I don't mind dating outside of my race, but why are white men so afraid of asking out black women. I don''t know about Asians, but I'm not even going to attempt to crack that nut. Asian men have a lot of racial/color issues within their own societies that I think they would have to work out before they could even seriously consider dating a black women. I'm not saying it's not possible--Ive seen it happen. It's just pretty rare. This is definitely something I and a lot of my friends think about. It's a reality for so many women.
Such a tricky, unfortunate circumstance...
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Year, New Me
I can write about my opinion of celebrities, but to be perfectly honest--they aren't that interesting. I could write about fashion--but I don't even have the money to support my own shopping habit, nor am I really that couture. I love talking about natural hair care, but it can get pretty old to write about it over and over.
So what to blog about? What in my life is so spectacularly interesting? What is worth coming back day after day to update whoever is out there reading?
With only a day left in 2009 and resolutions being made, I've gained a new appreciation for short-term goals. I need some non-negotiable goals for next year, 2010. Something I can hold myself accountable to--that other people can hold me accountable to. Weight loss? No, that was so last year. Baking? Who has the energy for all that?!
Something in my life has to change. Yes, change is inevitable, but I need to create and inspire my own change as well.
I'm tired of living a life I'm dissatisfied with. A life that I can only describe as dismal. Well, that might be a little melodramatic... my life isn't dismal, or I don't really think it is. But I do want my life to be dynamic and incredibly inspiring. I want to be making a difference and I've asked God to give me one pure and holy passion.
Currently, I have a job where I feel constantly exhausted from suppressing rage. A social life that I would describe more as me at home watching movies, drinking wine, and living vicariously through my crazyfabulous friends, than out partying, dating, or exploring the area. I know, I know, I'm 21, I should be out shaking my young booty and partying it up, but I've never been a big socialite and I'm broke s a joke.
But enough excuses. It's time to do something about this. About my situation and about my off-track life. It's time to grab hold and steer things in a Minah-approved direction.
So what am I up to? You ask. An experiment that I hope will leave me better for wear. In a Julie & Julia inspired move I want to make a short-term goal that will hopefully help me accomplish my New Year's Resolution.
I plan to apply for 2 jobs a day for 5 months beginning Jan 1st 2010. They say the average time it takes for a college graduate to get a job is 5 months. So although I graduated 6 months ago, I want to give myself 5 months to see what happens.
I don't know what will come of any of this. I hope a fulfilling job and some excitement. But I do know I want to accomplish something tangible and so begins a crazy journey, 2010--it's gotta be better than 2009. That leaves me 151 days to send out 302 job applications. And no, Craigslist jobs don't count.
By the way. My New Year's Resolution is to get a job with health benefits.
See you in 2010
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
How to Feel When Someone Else Gets Their Dream Job
But there is a small small almost minuscule part that goes a little green with envy and develops a very bitter feeling towards that person, the world, and self-admittedly, my own pathetic situation. And even though that tiny part is invisible to the eye, I feel it just as much as the rest of me that is happy and proud of that accomplishment.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Really London? Really?
How is anyone supposed to take the British seriously with mess like this?
This is the British version of Tae Bo. I seriously couldn't make it through this workout because I was laughing so hard at the British Billy Blanks.
Peep this dudes glasses and haircut. Seriously?
Black Men in the Courtroom
Today at my internship I was in court when I noticed an absolutely gorgeous specimen of black man. Dude was beautiful and the most beautiful part was he was not the defendant!
As sad as that sounds, I see way to many black men going before the judge as defendants rather than prosecutors or attorneys.
Fortunately, today the guy I saw was part of the defense's team. He was what I would estimate to be 6'2'' or 3, early 20s, and a creamy smooth dark chocolate man in a suit. Nothing gets me all hot and bothered more than a black man in a suit. *Sigh*
Unfortunately, I didn't talk to him(I know what an anti-climatic story) but I did find out he's an intern like meee!! So hopefully I will be seeing him again and will muster up energy to make my way across the courtroom to introduce myself. I hate making the first move, but every once in awhile some guy comes along that just makes you get off your lazy butt and move quick before it's too late.
But as always, vamos a ver....
Christmas Wish Items
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Breakeven by The Script
The Script - Breakeven (Official Music Video) - The funniest videos clips are here
Oh how I heart lovelorn boy band crooners lol
What's With All These Canadians?
Anywho, now there's this new sensation, Justin Bieber, who I just learned was Canadian....I mean, I'm still a fan, but he's lucky Usher's backing him.
I do love "One Time", but you got to be careful with these Canadians....
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
A Lil R&B Christmas Tune
Have you got your Xmas cheer yet?
Am I the Only One Who Is Grossed Out By Edward?
Since it is the British giving out this award, you can't take it too seriously, but homeboy seriously grosses me out He has made multiple remarks about how he doesn't care to shower, and the hair people love so much just seems dirty and unwashed. I never really saw the appeal there so I'm just confused by the whole phenomenon.
Am I missing something here?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Video Phone by Beyonce Feat Lady Gaga
I must say the Lady really held her own in this video and might have just stolen the show B.
Click here to see the video. Like I've said before, B really needs to get a new fashion statement cuz those leotards are getting real tired.
Sorry, I can't seem to get the video unto my website
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Life After You
(Sorry S)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Just in Case You Thought People Had Forgotten
Hahaha.... I feel as though C Breezy is getting comments like this on the regular. I think that's some pretty good punishment...constantly having your ego deflated by drunk white chicks calling you a "F**king beater"
Chris Brown's New Video "Crawl"
Uggh cASSie is still trying... Seems she' been downgraded to videoho. WOMP
Thursday, November 12, 2009
This movie looks so INTENSE!! Jake Gyllenhaal will forever be my cinematic boo but it looks like Tobey McGuire is out for an Oscar. The last scene is MADD ca-razy and had me literally gasping!! Kind of American History X-ish but without the crazy-ripped Edward Norton...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
I don't know why but that had me chuckling for a good couple of seconds. What a sad sad question to have to ask yourself. Unfortunately, too many woman know the pain that comes with marrying a closeted man.

Click here for an article on one woman's discovery of her down low dude.
"White Chocolate" Still Does It For Me
Why is Robin Thicke so SEX-AY?!!
I'm sorry but it doesn't seem like it takes much to make a video these days. Homegirl, Leighton Meester, is just rolling around, gyrating sensually, and lipsynching. Step your creative game up. Robin's sexiness ain't gonna carry you that far. I wanna see some more creativity from today's artists.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Not Feeling Well
Please keep Georgia in your prayers. It's raining again...
Hopefully, homes will not get flooded this time around.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Rihanna's Side
Her interview definitely shed more light on the situation. I'm glad she left C Breezy and I do truly hope someone can learn from her experience.
Still, I question Rihanna's motives on giving this exclusive interview now, when her album is soon to drop. I don't mind her giving the interview and telling her side of what Chris Brown did to her, but I just hope that she is genuine when she says she is speaking to help other domestic violence victims. And not just garner sympathy sales.
"Eff love." Now that's a valuable lesson right there. I'm glad she said that part.
It is because these two are stars that the whole thing has just turned into this incredible spectacle where ordinary people are defending abusers(i.e. me....hey I know I'm wrong...I just can't help it)and victims who may or may not be ready to talk about the abuse are not only doing so, but picking up the torch as advocate for victims of domestic abuse. She's quite the articulate young woman and I wish her the best of luck. I just hope she's not trying to turn tragedy into profit.
I just saw the preview for the new movie starring Idris Elba, Paul Walker, Michael Ealy, Chris Brown, Jay Hernandez, Matt Dillon, Hayden Christensen, and T.I.
This movie about a notorious group of criminals who continue to baffle police by pulling off perfectly executed bank robberies definitely looks exciting.
This is the movie that removed C. Breezy from all its promos after the "incident" and decided to just promote Idris and T.I.( a guy in prison right now)for the urban market. To go from having a wholesome image and being on top of the world, to nobody wanting to be associated with you and execs preferring federally imprisoned...that's gotta suck major.
The movie looks pretty good though. However, there were parts that reminded me a little too much of The Italian Job. Hopefully, the plot is decent and with A list actors like Idris and Matt hopefully the acting will be pretty good too. And Maybe C.B. can win back America by the premiere(That's looking pretty doubtful though)
I Invented Sex...
This video is hotSEXY!!!
It's kind of intense and borderline explicit....I wonder if they show it on daytime music channels.
I Think We All Now Know Why 300 is One of My Favorite Movies...
Friday, November 6, 2009
Fergie's Husband A Cheater?
Ok I know that has nothing to do with the title of this post, but I'm getting there....
On Thursday, Z100(or something like that) did an interview with a stripper from Tattletales, a strip club in ATL, who claimed to have had a one night stand with Josh Duhamel(pronounced Doo-Mel) Fergie's husband.
I listened to this strippers whole story while driving to work. Basically she claims that Duhamel, Transformers and Las Vegas star, came into her place of work and they hit it off after she gave him a couple of lap dances. She claims they exchanged numbers and met up with him a week later to party and then they had "lots of sex" in his hotel room. Click here to hear the interview.
Anyways after doing the interview, all these listeners were calling in, a lot of them basically calling her a stripperho and a liar and that she was just doing it for money. Now whether or not she is telling the truth is really of no concern to me(I mean is it that shocking that hottie Josh would cheat on his methface wife?). But what really bothered me was how people were judging this woman.
Because she is a stripper she pretty much has no credibility, seemed to be the general consensus. I mean the fact that she is going on "national" with this news is kinda suspect when she claims she's not in it for the money,, but I just thought it was quite unfair for people to judge her soo harshly and dismiss her story because a) she was saying things no body wants to hear and b) she has a socially unacceptable career.
I mean it takes two to mess around and Josh deserves some blame too. Don't attack the woman for knowingly sleeping with a married man if you are not going to attack the man equally. The husband is not released of all responsibility because she was a stripper.
All I know was the whole thing made for an entertaining drive to work, but people need to stop being so judgemental of strippers. Hos gotta work too. Lol j/k...but not really...
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
November is HERE and the Holiday Season is in FULL least for me
Then around September, when the school year begins I get a little more excited and start playing my Xmas music a little bit louder...dreaming of raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens :)
But now that it is November and it is officially nippy outside, I am going full speed towards the holidays. Gonna get my eggnog and whisky (Don't judge), get the Christmas tree up, and start wishing joy to the world.
I suggest you do the same
Back On It
Life is good. I'm at work right now blogging instead of doing the bazillion things expected of me so I know I'm gonna get quietly "spoken" to later, but it's important to blog when you feel the urge so that's what I'm trying to do.
For a while I've been feeling sort of complacent about life. That I had little control over the overall picture and even though God is in control of my life, I am not a crippled passenger.
"Faith without works is dead."
So I am making movings applying active optimism--which is the conscious, PURPOSEFUL mental decision to approach life with a positive perspective. So far it is working and keeping me focused.
You must put out your best in any and every situation in order to receive something good.
Working on it.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Simply Skincare
I've been using this fabulous lotion recently...Mary Kay's Peppermint Cream. It smells incredibly delicious and makes me wanna lick myself(pause). It also has a very wintery feeling which is great because I'm already getting ready for the winter holidays.If you are interested in some fabulous gift ideas or this wonderful product along with so much more click here.
OneRepublic's All the Right Moves
I can't wait for OneRepublic's sophomore album, Waking Up, coming out November 17th. Make sure you pick it know you want to.
Times are Hard
Today, I saw a white man selling lunch sandwiches out the trunk of his car....He had a sign and everything. The sandwiches looked like they'd been made in his kitchen.
Times are hard.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Fire on the Mountain
Check her out:
Sunday, October 18, 2009
My Dealbreaker List
1. Smoke
I hate smoking. I hate the way it smells, the way it chokes you up, and certainly the way smoking kills you. It grosses me out. And mostly importantly it tells me you have little regard for your health.
This one is a little superficial, but still very important to me. Long nails on guys is so are short stubby ones. And don't get me started on dirty nails.... So nasty. Men need to be able to take care of the little things just as well as the big things.
3. Bad Grammar
I speak English and I expect him to as well. I don't mean he needs to speak like a Harvard English professor, but I do nee to understand the words that are coming out of his mouth. I once had a guy start trying to talk to me while I was walking to my car. I'm sure he thought he was speaking English, but after asking him 3 times to repeat himself, I just decided that we need not have a conversation. I'm sorry but, "You gotta blue up pin thru shoe" is no come-on I've ever heard before.
5. Pretty boys
There is nothing sexier than a good looking dude that has no idea he's a good looking dude. And yes it's even OK to acknowledge that you like the way you look, but when you put SO much effort into your physical looks, that you completely neglect those around you--it's a def deal breaker. Trying so hard to always look so polished and put together is a sign of insecurities and who really wants to deal with an insecure man? I have neither the time nor the patience to stroke your ego constantly. It is important to take care of yourself, but looks fade and is it necessary to put THAT much energy into something that is temporary?
4. Atheism
If he doesn't believe in something greater than himself, that's a serious deal breaker. We can deal with the specifics and seriousness of our religious associations at a later point, but he has to believe in God.
That's all for now...there are a ton more deal-breakers when it comes to actually being in a relationship, but when just getting to know someone, these are the things that kill it for me.
What kills it for you?
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Chris Breezy Back?
Chris Brown - i can transform ya | Online recorder
When, if ever, do you think it's appropriate for Breezy(who only a few months ago pleaded guilty to a felony)to make a career comeback? Has he "done his time"?
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The Princess & the Frog
I'm not sure how I should take her whole turning into a frog bit. Can't they just keep us away from animals for a minute? I dunno, am I being too critical?
Oh Poor Jesse..
I love Anderson's commentary..."If you're gonna forget the words, do it at a soccer match. Not NASCAR"
Lol such an American thing to say...
Monday, October 12, 2009
Over the Knee Boots
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Somewhere in the Night
Not to say there are not people here I could hang out with, its just sometimes I don't want to have to take that step back and be polite/socially acceptable Minah. Sometimes I just wanna be me without all the pretense. But like a friend of mine said "you just have to be you. Those who don't like it will stay away. And those who like you will be drawn in. And if you don't want to, you don't have to talk to anyone at all". :)
On a slightly different note, in my state of depression, I decided to read poems on depression to see if any would speak to me. After a couple of poems about the rush of cutting one's wrists and not seeing a point in living anymore, I realized I was not as depressed as I thought I was. Those poems actually made me feel a little better.
Here's the least intense poem I found:
Somewhere in the Night
Somewhere in the night a child cries,
A woman weeps and someone dies.
Somewhere in the night, humanity hides.
Somewhere in the night , a soul screams,
As people fade and die, lost in dreams.
Somewhere in the night, reality lives.
Somewhere in the night loneliness dwells,
As people die, no sounding bells.
Somewhere in the night, she dies alone.
Somewhere in the night ...
Where is the light?
Who Knew Pole Dancing Was a Sport?
I mean that's some serious upper and lower body strength right there. You'd be lying if you said you weren't completely fascinated by how they pulled some of those moves off! lol
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Glee Moment of the Week
Mercedes(the black girl) can belt it! I really don't get why they try and say Rachel has the strongest voice. Ugh white people and their mainstream mentality.
Am I the only one that doesn't feel it's right for Mr. Schuester and the guidance counselor to get together? I mean... she's crazy and he's already got one off-the-rockers wife. (I mean, what kinda insanity makes a woman think she can fake a pregnancy and get her husband to believe some other baby is his?)
My Adventures With Online Dating
I don't really understand how this matching technology has decided the only people I'm compatible with are balding white dudes. No really. All of them. Oh and one balding Indian. And I'm sorry, but balding at 22 is just not gonna cut it for me.
The sad part is when I read their information, I actually relate to a lot of them and we do share similar beliefs or what not. However the fundamental factor of physical attractiveness is simply not there. And no, I'm not asking for a black Adonis necessarily--your average good looking fellow would do. Sigh. Unfortunately, my matcher hasn't figured this out yet, but I think after I reject enough guys, it may get the hint.
Seriously though, this is the south. what if I decided to meet up with one of these Rogaine-challenged guys and they pull up in a red pick-up truck with the Confederate flag draped across his back seat. Hmmm? How would I explain away that ridiculous awful situation?
Lol anyways, the whole thing is a learning experience and I doubt I will really meet up with anyone....especially if they keep matching me with these fuglies(no offense)
It's Been Soo Long!!
I'm sorry! I am trying to do better...
With my part time work and internship I'm actually a little busy, but NO excuse!
There's a ton to blog on it and I gotta stay up on it.
In the words of Hancock:
"You expect better from me. I will be better."
(or something like that...)
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
My Name is Meth
I destroy homes, I tear families apart,
Take your children, and that's just a start.
I'm more costly than diamonds, more precious than gold.
The sorrow I bring is a sight to behold.
If you need me, remember, I'm easily found.
I live all around you,in schools and in town.
I live with the rich. I live with the poor.
I live down the street, and maybe next door.
I'm made in a lab, but not like you think.
I can be made under the kitchen sink,
In your child's closet, and even in the woods.
If this scares you to death, well, it certainly should.
I have many names, but there's one you know best.
I'm sure you've heard of me. My name is crystal meth.
My power is awesome. Try me you'll see.
But, if you do, you may never break free.
Just try me once and I might let you go.
But try me twice, and I'll own your soul.
When I possess you, you'll steal and lie.
You do what you have to just to get high.
The crimes you'll commit for my narcotic charms
Will be worth the the pleasure you'll feel in your arms.
You'll lie to your mother. You'll steal from your dad.
When you see their tears, you should feel sad,
But you'll forget your morals and how you were raised.
I'll be your conscience. I'll teach you my ways.
I take kids from parents, and parents from kids.
I turn people from God and separate friends.
I'll take everything from you, your looks and your pride.
I'll be with you always right by your side.
You'll give up everything, your family, your home,
Your friends, your money,
Then you'll be alone.
I'll take and take, until you have nothing more to give.
When I'm finished with you, you'll be lucky to live.
If you try me, be warned this is no game.
If given a chance, I'll drive you insane.
I'll ravish your body. I'll control your mind.
I'll own you completely. Your soul will be mine.
The nightmares I give you while lying in bed,
The voices you'll hear from inside your head,
The sweats, the shakes, the visions you'll see,
I want you to know; these are all gifts from me.
But then it's too late, and you'll know in your heart
That you are mine and we shall not part.
You'll regret that you tried me. They always do.
But you came to me, not I to you.
You knew this would happen. Many times you were told.
But you challenged my power and chose to be bold.
You could have said" No" and just walked away.
If you could live that day over now, what would you say?
I'll be your master and you will be my slave.
I'll even go with you, when you go to your grave.
Now that you have met me, what will you do?
Will you try me or not? It's all up to you.
I can bring you more misery than words can tell.
Come take my hand; let me lead you to hell.
Written by a young Indian girl, who was in jail on drug charges and was addicted to meth.
She was released from jail, but true to the story, the drug owned her. Soon after she was found dead with the needle still in her arm.**
Please don't do drugs.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Are Hillbillies Scary?
Today I was walking home when a white guy started trying to holla. The problem? You're probably wondering....
He was shirtless, in a red pickup truck, with a southern accent, and I was on an empty road in Georgia. Usually, I would be slightly amused by these situations, but I don't be messing with hillbilly southerners.
I know I shouldn't be frightened, but I just can't help but think of all the crazy things that have happened in our past.I would not have been as alarmed if say this had happened in California....I def wouldn't be blogging about it.
Anyways, just another reason why Georgia is not the business.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Independent Woman
A friend of mine asked that I write a post on what being an independent woman meant to me. I though about just blabbing on and on about being strong and willful and a free thinker...u know, another diatribe, but I decided to rant in another way. Through song.
Here are a few songs that speak on being an independent woman and my personal opinion of them.
1. You Gotta Be by Des'ree
Ok, ok this may not be solely for women, but this song always makes me feel empowered. It's important for women to encourage themselves and demand better from and for themselves. I think that is so important because a lot of times, females allow people or things into their lives that they know are wrong for them. People that will only bring them down or try to take chip away at their free thinking.
For me, the song says: You gotta be bold enough to stand on your own. You gotta be wiser than you used to be; learn from your mistakes. You gotta be hard enough to take a chance. You gotta be tough enough to stand up for yourself. You gotta be stronger than you think you can be.
2. She Got Her Own by Ne-Yo
She Got Her Own Video
I mean, I guess this song is here just to illustrate the sexiness that is being independent. However, it is necessary to realize that being strong on your own should be natural not faked. "There ain't nothin' that's more sexy,Than a girl that want, but don't need me" When you're good with who you are, you won't feel desperate to validate yourself with someone else, and that's sexy.
3. Independent Woman by Destiny's Child
Sidenote: I miss Kelly with the long hair. I knew when she went weave, any chance of her distinguishing herself as superstar outside of DC was slim to none.
Anyways, the lyrics of this song mostly focus on economic independence, which is integral to feeling stable nut mental independence is just as important. "I worked hard and sacrificed to get what I get. Ladies, it ain't easy bein' independent". Independence is hard! lol That's why so many people avoid it.
4. Independent by Webbie Ft. Lil Boosie
So I'm def thinking this song is more of a degradation to women that a praise of them. "A Independent Chick Do U Kno' Wat That Mean? She Cook She Clean Never Smell Like Onion Rings" Really though? Too many women were jamming to this song like it was something to be proud of. I won't lie, I was one of them. But once I actually listened to the words, I couldn't jam to it in the same way. Personally, I think Webbie just made the song to show he could spell the word INDEPENDENT.
So I don't really know what it means to be an independent woman. I think it's something you just work towards and keep in mind as you interact with different forces in your life. What do you think are the defining characteristics of an independent woman?
Happy Being Me by Angie Stone
What I would consider a true song of independence.
Owl City's Fireflies
I really like this song, Fireflies! It sounds so....ethereal(umm probably not the right word, but whatever.)
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Flood Dangers Not Over for Georgia
Click here for more on all the crazy flooding and torrential downpour that has been happening in my area.
My prayers go out to all those who lost someone in the flash flood these last couple of days. So sad.
Why do Americans Think They Can Defend Their Ignorance by CLAIMING (Without Proof) "They are the Best"?
This question was posted on Yahoo questions and I think the one answer posted was so great!
"We use our military as our proof."LMBO!!
How hilarious and so American. I like to think I'm very open to enlightenment, but when it comes to issues of America's superiority, I tend to agree with some probably not very PC things.
I love other cultures, I really do. I hope to spend time learning and living in countries like Mexico, Ireland, Australia, and of course my motherland: Nigeria. Still, I can truly understand America's obsession with itself.
My biggest bias, for sure, is pop culture. Sure, too many Americans have no idea what is going on outside of the U.S. and I am always a little surprised when I learn foreign singers, actors, celebrities, etc had a real career in their own country before they "made it big" in the U.S. However, have you ever watched a non-American movie or a TV show.? The graphics are terrible, it seems they just let anyone in front of the screen, and have me wishing for some good old fashioned American computer generated special effects(although Japanese special effects are pretty amazing). I'm just saying....there is a reason why so many of our shows are imported out.
But that's just a small point; let's not even get into my personal opinions on why most British people should not be on T.V....
I guess my point is that Americans defend their position that they are the best, simply because we are. lol.
But no worries to all you haters.....what goes up, must come down.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Get Up on Glee Already
I think I'll just be inserting my fav scenes from each weekly episode so look forward to that.
This show is hilarious!! I've rewatched this clip about 3 times now and I still laugh. Plus all the Glee memembers have some serious pipes. True talent and I'm happy to watch/hear it.
Smokie Norful's I Understand
Jesse's Song
Check out this new song by Jesse McCartney
I rather enjoy it. Hope you do too.
Jesse McCartney - Body Language - featuring T-Pain
What NOT to Do During an Interview
Today, I had an interview to intern with the Atlanta Victims Assistance at 10 am.
Well, it was by far my worst first impression....
I arrived 17 minutes late because I got lost, then I couldn't find parking, then I couldn't find the right room. Ugh...I wanna blame the city of Atlanta because that's what happens everytime I go there. I've even gone all the way there to attend an event and then decided to leave because I couldn't fnd any parking once I got there. No seriously, true story.
But anyways, once I got in and apologized for my tardiness, we sat down to start the whole interview process. As the lady began, someone inturrupted and she left to go talk with that person for about 10 minutes.
When she came back I had to inform her that I parked on the street and only had put in an hour worth of coins. So by that point we had 20 minutes before my time ran up. She was fortunately very understanding and said that we could stop when I needed to so I could go feed the meter.
So we go through the whole thing.....she asks questions, I ask know, the usual. After about 20 minutes, we realize that I'm late and so I run out to go feed the meter. When I get out the building, I'm dashing across two blocks to my car because I literally have 0 minutes left and there is no way I'm getting a ticket from an interview!
As I'm jogging to my car, I'm praying: "Oh Lord, please don't let me have a ticket. I really don't want to pay the city of Atlanta a dime right now". I turn the corner and can see my car halfway down the street and there is a police officer strolling towards it!!
I start to literally sprint in order to over pass her and get to my car first! It turns out the officer wasn't even going to my car, but at least I made it before she did. lol
And thank God there was no ticket! An expired meter, but no ticket!! yea!!
So I get into my car to take a breath and also see if I had any change in the car because I'd used all of the change from my purse the first time around. No change.... and then the meter man shows up so of course I pretend like I'm just getting out of the car. He's emptying out the meter, so I ask him if he has change for a dollar.
He says: don't worry about it, I just gave you an hour.
!!!!!Thank you JESUS....and meter man!!!!!!
I went from praying that I wouldn't get ticket to gettin an hour for free, so you know I was mad AMPED lol.
Of course, I had to go back in to finish my interview, which went very well once I got back(sweaty and all).
Now, what you should learn from my whole long debacle is:
1. Show up on FREAKIN time!! It sucks having to apologize for being late especially when its the first time your interacting with the person.
2. Always find out the name of the person who first greets you in the lobby. It could be the secreatary and then you will have just ended up apologizing unnecessarily, because it's not even the right person.
3. Don't park at a street meter. It is A. not fun to be worring about getting a ticket while interviewing and B. no good to be leaving your interview halfway through.
4. And if these things do happen, put on your best game face: pour on the charm cause you will need every ounce you got.
Oh BTDubs, I got the position. :)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
My Latest Celebrity Crush
Why Michelle Obama's Hair Matters
I recently read this article from Time Magazine entitled "Why Michelle Obama's Hair Matters".
The article explains, for all who don't know, why hair is such an important issue in the black community. It touches on the expectations and politics behind a hairdo , and attempts to explain the significance behind all the media hoopla over Michelle's hair.
One quote I found quite interesting:
"Whenever I start a new job I always wear my hair straight for the first three months until I get health care. Then gradually the curly-do comes out."
The pressure that black women feel regarding hairstyles in the workplace is intense and real. Should it matter what our hair looks like? As long as its "put together", I don't think so. (I wonder if a case can be made against a corporation that, let's say, didn't hire a qualified female who wore her hair natural. Maybe she could go to court and say that she is being discriminated against based on hair texture which is something you're born with). But I digress...
My point is...well you've heard it before....
We keep resigning ourselves to external forces imposing their expectations upon us and we buy into it...we teach it to our youth, we promote it as superior...and I'm absolutely sick of it.
Take back your right to have your hair however you please!! And if that is straighten or pressed, then let it be that way because you honestly want it rather than because society tells you your natural curls are ugly or you won't be able to get a job unless you damage/straighten your hair.
Put a Smile on my Fac
… forgot joy is something that can be seen.
… have been worried that your talent isn’t being utilized.
… know you have something amazing to share with the world.
… want to see what true humility and happiness looks like.
… just needed a reason to smile today.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
And the Award Goes to ...
.... for stealing the entire VMA's tonight.
Here's the video in case you still havent seen it.
Sure Janet's performance was touching and Pink smashed it with her acrobatics, but Kanye's foolishness was truly the most memorable of the evening.
I mean granted what he was saying was correct: Beyonce's video was hot. But to get out of his seat, walk up to the stage, and take the microphone from Taylor--that just took mad effort that was so unnecessary. Not to mention it was not the place or the time.
OMGEEE I still chuckle when I think about it.
Oh Kanye...You're so ridiculous, but what can you expect? It's Kanye West.
Sidenote: i really hope this whole "crotch to the crowd" phase will be going out of style soon cause Beyonce's leotard number was a little too high and all these ladies need to stop flashing their business.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Ok...Just one more.
This video feels like a parody of a rap song, which is a shame cause they are mad serious with it. I cry for my people when I see them embracing this kind of ignorance.
Please stop trying to selling these images of cars, money, jewels, and skanky chicks as symbols of success.
Hot mess. Why is there some blond chick washing a car towards the end?! Ohhh my people.... Skip ahead to around 1:00 to avoid the boring stuff.
Yearning for Home
"Yearning for Home"--I can def relate.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Me Labro un Porvenir (Workin on My Future)
I'm kind of leaning towards the latter.
Ughhh! It's so frustrating at times being so unsure about what path I want to take to make a difference on this Earth. But I've talked to so many people who feel the exact same way which is pretty relieveing in that I know that I'm not alone.
Nevertheless, I feel truly blessed that I can actually take time to seriously consider what to do next and go after a future that I want rather than have a future forced upon me. So many people, especially women of color, of the past had few choices in terms of what was available to them, and I am grateful that my problem is that I have too many options. :)
The Script
"The Man Who Can't Be Moved" I love this song!!!
And you should too :)
Part Timing It
I love natural hair and could talk about it forever so I'm pretty glad I have an opportunity to learn more about it and help an up-and-coming business work to project natural hairstyles into mainstream and strive to infiltrate the media.
But I once heard that you should start looking for your next job the day you get one so I'm def still on the prowl for exciting ventures and job opportunities.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Catchy New Tune
The song just sounds so....fresh.
AmAAzing Photos!!
Would You Rock These?
I Kinda ♥ Tools
These guys get caught on camera doing some of the most ridiculously gross things, they then see their girlfriends crying over it, and stare blankly at them. Or if the guy feels really cornered he might start stammering about how much he loves his girl. Right.... what a tool.
I always feel so embarrassed for the girlfriend cause she really should just dump him right quick, but I guess that doesn't make good TV--a bunch of single douche bags.
Urban Dictionary defines a tool as:
A person, typically male, who says or does things that cause you to give them a 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look. The 'what-are-you-even-doing-here' look is classified by a glare in the tool's direction and is usually accompanied by muttering of how big of a tool they are. The tool is usually someone who is unwelcome but no one has the balls to tell them to get lost. The tool is always making comments that are out-of-place, out-of-line or just plain stupid. The tool is always trying too hard to fit in, and because of this, never will. However, the tool is useful because you can use them for things; money, rides, etc."Let's drive to Chicago from Iowa. Oh man, we need money. Hey, let's ask tool to come, he'll spot us the cash!"
But what really gets me is how these women allow this type of toolish behavior. Sure, I understand they love these men and want to be with them forever(really don't understand that but whatever), but I just find it hard to believe that his show can have any long term impact on a man's behavior.

I don't understand why women are so afraid to be by themselves....they'd rather be with an insecure, sad specimen of male that they keep trying(and failing) to change. We(being women) can't change men, we can only encourage them to grow and hope they will make the positive changes themselves.
However, I'm sure it will be entertaining to watch the buffoonery these guys put their girlfriends through and maybe one of the ladies will realize they can do so much better.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What About Wendy's?
When I explained to him hat I was a Psychology major with an interest in law school, he then suggested I get a morning internship as a Psychologist's Assistant so I could still work evenings at Target.
You gotta love kid's frame of mind right now...
But hey, I'm trying to school the kid on a few things: the seriousness of our economic situation, my belief that an excellent field-related position exists just for me, and why McDonald's is not an appropriate job for an Ivy League graduate.
Ignant Music
The lyrics go a lil something like:
"Baby girl won't you get with this pimpin...
Just try it out try it out"
Oh wow...ok i just found a video....
In the words of Chris Brown: "I was just like wow"
I hope you peeped Kandi, former member of girl group Xscape and newest housewife on Real Housewives of Atlanta. I was dying watching this video because I just remembered her talking about how when she came out with her first single, it had to be fire cause people were expecting so much from her.
Really though Kandi? I won't lie, I jam to this song in my car but...this is just not housewife material... lol
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Afro-Beautiful Hairstyles in the Workplace
Sadly, it's def possible. But what people need to realize is that natural hair is not a radical statement. It's NATURAL. As the U.S. continues to genuinely embrace diversity, we need to internalize the idea that we do not need to blend into the white conservative environment.
I, myself, am not ready to rock a full out afro to a job interview yet, but hopefully soon.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Is It Possible Mr. Loveable is Already in My Life?
I disagree. I believe every person has only one true soulmate and most of us will never meet that person. A bummer, I know. But that's what happens when you settle for the next best thing instead of waiting for the Truth to come along. You know, the One. And I understand, it feels kind of counterproductive inn this society to wait for something or someone. We should be going out and getting what we want. At least that's what society tells us.
Furthermore, it is always possible that the soulmate we seek doesn't look the way we would prefer them to and hence, we overlook them. Maybe people don't meet their soulmate because the two never bump into each other. One lives in the U.S. while the other lives in London. I would describe a soulmate as someone who fits so perfectly into your missing parts that you feel nothing but whole around them. Very few are lucky enough to find their soulmate and those who do may often let that person walk away.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Hot Girls
It gets really good about 45 seconds in.