Sunday, January 24, 2010

Mechad Brooks on The Deep End

ABC has this new show, The Deep End, which is about first year junior associates straight out of law school who work at a prestigious law firm in Los Angeles. Very Grey's Anatomy-esque.

I will tell you, I only decided to watch the show because Mehcad Brooks is in it and homeboy is so fione.

He may be better known from True Blood as Eggs or from Desperate Housewives as the son in the only black family on Wisteria Lane(why they had to be crazy as hell, I still don't understand) Mehcad is a gorgeous man and a truly talented actor, whom I can't wait to see him from. Unfortunately, he didn't show up on The Deep End until about 3/4ths of the way through the pilot episode and he received-at most 45 seconds of screen time. Womp.

I hope next week his character is utilized fully and that the writers make him a dynamically fascinating character, because the show isn't that great to begin with, and I don't know if Mehcad can carry the show all by his beautiful self.

1 comment:

  1. not to cause u any distress of anything, but this man is NOT fione! other than that, i have yet to watch the deep end, perhaps ill get to that while im waitn for my next class.
